Emily Beaney
Moving the Image / Moviendo la Imagen: Representing, Reframing, Reclaiming
Collaboration with Ana García Jácome
Repurposed archival film: 24:00

In a collaboration between disabled women from
Scotland and Mexico, experimental and archival
moving image practice is used to reclaim agency
in representation. Artists Emily Beaney and Ana
García Jácome seek to disrupt medicalised
accounts of disabled women's lives. Drawing
upon archives in Mexico City and at Glasgow
Women’s Libray and the Wellcome Collection, we
have come together to explore how audio-visual
practices can interrogate issues of representation
across the international contexts. Radically re-
working archival footage with experimental sound
and image compositions, collaborations with
disabled community members in workshops, and
with artists from Scotland and the Femidiscas
collective in Mexico, contribute creative
interventions, positioning disabled women as
active agents of change.
An Unlimited International Partner Award 2023 commission made possible thanks to funding from the British Council.
Producer (UK): Care-fuffle
Producer (Mexico): Eunice Cuevas
Collaborators (Scotland + Mexico):
Annie Crabtree
Daniela Herrera Le Petit Riot
Nur Matta
Aniela Piasecka
Kirin Saeed
Diana Vite
Workshop Participants:
Valeria Rodríguez Sandoval
Victoria Torres Ramírez
Alma Angélica Rodríguez López
Fabiola De La Rosa Hernández
Beatriz Sandoval
Carolina Díaz González
Sara Güizado Gómez
Semanca Huitzilin
Glasgow Women's Library
Wellcome Collection
With thanks to:
Centro Cultural de España
Universidad El Claustro