Emily Beaney
16mm film: 14:12
‘Deviant’ is an experimental moving-image work that seeks to represent lived experiences of endometriosis. Addressing health inequalities and ‘diagnostic imperialism’, which exerts power over who has access to support and who does not, the project examines the label of ‘deviance’ when applied to women’s bodies, using endometriosis as a potent example of pain being side-lined as deviance.
The 16mm moving image work was developed collaboratively, through workshops exploring sound, movement and form, with community group The EndoWarriors. Exploring themes of stigma, chronic pain and collective care, unpredictable rhythms of endometriosis experience inform, mark and interrupt the filmic body. Communicating with the senses, sharing knowledge with, through and between thinking bodies, Deviant aims to reveal the internal sensations, thoughts and emotions of endometriosis experience that remain hidden / unheard.
Commissioned and supported by Unlimited, celebrating the work of disabled artists, with funding from Creative Scotland
Developed during Hospitalfield Interdisciplinary Residency 2021
Collaborators: The EndoWarriors
Analogue Mentoring: Lydia Beilby
Sound Artist: Amble Skuse
Movement Mentor: Rachel Drazek
Captions: Holly Summerson
Audio Description: VocalEyes
Producer: BOP
With thanks to EXPPECT
Expanded 16mm screening: installation elements include laser cut sheet steel pieces.